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TEPCO Executives Tour Three Mile Island Unit 2


December 4, 2021 -- EnergySolutions was pleased to host four visitors from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) for a tour of Three Mile Island Unit-2. TEPCO is responsible for decontamination and decommissioning of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant, the site of a major nuclear accident on March 11, 2011. According to TEPCO, the Fukushima-Daiichi decommissioning process is expected to take between 30 to 40 years.


The tour was led by Jerry Boyd, former TMI Licensed Operator at both Unit-2 and later Unit-1, who described his personal experience on site during Unit-2’s 1979 accident as well as his involvement in the recovery efforts. Jim Byrne, former manager of engineering and licensing for TMI, also shared memories and his extensive knowledge of TMI’s unique history from his decades-long tenure at the plant – including evidence of past support from the Japanese nuclear industry.


“During the TMI-2 Cleanup, Japan was the only nation outside of the United States to offer GPU Nuclear any substantial support. Over several years Japanese engineers were embedded in TMI-2 and DOE organizations to provide support to the cleanup effort. In return GPU Nuclear and now through my association with TMI-2 Solutions, I am happy to reciprocate that support by showing Japanese officials what was accomplished at TMI-2 and lessons we learned during the cleanup process which may help them in their efforts at Fukushima-Daiichi,” Byrne said.


Between TMI-2 Solutions and TEPCO, the mutual challenge to decommission sites of historic nuclear accidents presents an invaluable opportunity to collaborate and share lessons learned. “As for the Fukushima-Daiichi NPP decommissioning, there are still a lot of uncertainties that exist, such as presence of fuel debris that contains melted fuel, metal, and concrete, etc.” said Mr. Tatsuya Taminami, Vice President of TEPCO Fukushima-Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Company. “We would like to refer and make good use of efforts at TMI-2 as a precedent instance, and we also would like to continue to exchange information and maintain this good relationship.”


More information about the Fukushima-Daiichi decommissioning can be found here:

Three Mile Island Unit 2 Decommissioning


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