Community Advisory Panel (CAP)
The TMI-2 Community Advisory Panel (CAP) is a volunteer, non-regulatory body formed to enhance open communication, public involvement and education about the Three Mile Island Unit 2 Nuclear Power Station decommissioning project. It serves as a conduit for public information and as a formal channel of community involvement and communication related to the decommissioning project.
TMI-2 Solutions provides routine updates to the CAP. The CAP provides community feedback to TMI-2 Solutions including any issues or concerns related to Three Mile Island Unit 2 decommissioning activities.
The CAP elects a Chairperson to oversee CAP activities and the board which consists of a broad cross-section of members representing various community, business, and government organizations around Three Mile Island.

Community Advisory Panel (CAP) Downloads
December 7th, 2021 CAP Minutes
December 7th, 2021 CAP Presentation
August 4th, 2021 CAP Presentation
April 7th 2021 Cap Presentation

Community Advisory Panel Board Members
Dave Allard
Board Chair
Local Medical Health Physicist
Todd Camp
Senior Director of Administration, Penn State University.
Robert Gildea
Superintendent of Schools
Lower Dauphin School District
Scott Miller
Communications & Marketing Manager
Harrisburg International Airport
Tim Barry
Emergency Management Coordinator
Joyce Corradi
Concerned Mothers of Middletown
Richard Kluskiewicz
Middletown Borough.
Jay Ostrich
District Director,
U.S. Congressman Scott Perry’s office
Amy Burrell
Royalton Borough
Tim Devik
Licensing Manager, TMI-2 Solutions
Bart Shellenhamer
Londonderry Volunteer Fire Co.
Shen Kreiser
Nuclear Planner
York County